I don't think it's entirely out of the realm of discussion to suggest that students carrying arms at school would be disastrous. I think it's possible, but we simply do not know. I think it could have a deterrent effect, who knows?
It's really rude for people to tell others to stop participating in this discussion just because they don't agree with the opinions out here. We don't have to agree but at least keep it civil.
The thing I fear most is the media and public panicking and running away with this incident and creating and cultivating a culture of fear where we need the government to step in and protect us from each other. I'm not so sure running into the arms of the nanny state is a good idea.
Someone wanted to talk about root cause behind these shootings. Well I think it's because people stop taking responsibility and accountability for themselves. Everyone has problems, now they have this syndrome or need this drug or can't (or won't) take a job or their girlfriend broke up with them or someone picked on them when they were little; the excuse drag on forever. This "lashing" out is simply inexcusable and does not need to be pandered to.
In the end, I really do think this is far less about guns or gun control than a deeper syndromic fight between taking responsibility for oneself or blaming others for everything in life.