I would just to point out an additional fact, which has been talked around to some extent (in my opinion) concerning the notion that students packing heat could have averted such a thing. In light of the improbability that an armed student would have actually gotten to this kid in time to do anything, the other aspect is the deterrence affect. The notion that knowledge, on the part of the shooter, that other students might have been packing would have made him rethink. I think that in light of his suicide, that is highly unlikely. It may have exacerbated the situation.
Not that it should be relevant, but I'm not an anti-gun nut. I own guns. I've shot guns. I was raised around guns. I still think the idea of a student population walking around on campus carrying handguns, shotguns, whatever...is absolutely nuts.
What's the law on having a handgun locked in your glove compartment? Anyone?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style