Originally Posted by mirevolver
Would it not be a stretch to say that failing schools with high dropout rates have higher incidences of student on student and student on staff violence?
In all honesty, I doubt there's a correlation between a school's performance and school-related violence. This guy didn't do this because VT isn't the number one university school in America, and the Columbine kids didn't go ballistic because their school wasn't an A+ school. These are psychopathic, mentally unbalanced people who commit these kinds of crimes. The human brain is an incredibly complex machine which is fundamentally disturbed by "being bumped" or "being picked on". Most people get by with time, etc, but not these people. I believe these kinds of people are ticking time bombs, and they would be just as likely to do these kinds of things at the meanest "ghetto" school as they would at Harvard Law.