Thanks for the suggestions. We have been doing some research and looking into what where we want to go. I think we have decided to stick with the Rt. 66 thing to NM and then head down to Roswell. We weren't planning on going as far west as Utah, but the land looks gorgeous there so we're going to swing up through NM to the 4 corners to hit Utah.
So, kurty, we might be close enough to you to get a cooked meal.
Uber: We fell in love with the site of Grand Teton National Park so that is going to be a destination on the trip. Then we're going to hit Yellowstone, might as well since we'll be close. I looked at the park passes and it looks like that might be a good investment.
Now, I'm wondering how easy it is just to find a place to camp without reservations. Since we're not really making a timeline for our trip, it's going to be hard to make reservations. Anybody know how packed these places get around the end of June/first of July? Thanks.