Originally Posted by catback
With that said you can always haggle for the lowest price and you won't be robbing them because if you really did shoot too low they would just say "no" but in my opinion although you may get a really good price you'll also get two-faced friends at the dealership, they'll thank you for your purchase and ask that you come again but once you leave they'll be glad if they never see you again. But that's what happens when someone trys to negotiate down a price that is already "fair". Simply it's buyer sydrome, buyers don't wanna pay shit but it's also something sales people know well.
This is an excellent point. If you will continue taking the car back to the dealer for repairs or whatever or if you are going to continue working with them in the future then you may want to remember that you need to pay for that service. It's called peace-of-mind. You pay a slightly higher price with the knowledge that you will have friends at the dealer. I've never personally experienced these "friends" but I'm sure it happens.
The point: If I buy something from the internet I don't have much expectation for after-care or support. If I buy something from a brick and mortar store for a higher price then I do expect support and after-care.
However, saying that "buyer's don't wanna pay shit" is the same thing as saying that all sales people are out to gouge you if they can get away with it.