Originally Posted by guccilvr
You know, as I was watching some TV last night and every channel had something on about this tragedy.. I wonder if the same media coverage would have been given to an event like this if it took place in an inner city school. I think we'd just have a 5 minute clip about it and then "in other news.."
Right, because the victims of Katrina didn't get any news coverage or support.
Just because tragedy takes place in a low-income or inner city area, doesn't make the public care any less about them. (Just GW
) Same concept that took out hours of the medias time, not just a five minute clip.
Originally Posted by guccilvr
For anyone who says that the kids were fish in a barrel, or that troops oversees expect to be killed etc, since when was America so fucking safe that you didn't have to watch your back?? Maybe you people should have grown up where I grew up. The America I grew up in must be alot different.
You can live in the city with the lowest crime rate but that doesn't mean you're safe. So in my eyes, to call this a tragedy, and overlook all the other issues that abound is an even bigger tragedy.
Come on, man. It doesn't matter where you grow up, unexpected things can happen every day. I just I wonder if you would trivialize 9/11 or Katrina or even the soldiers dying Iraq, the way that you do the VT shootings.