Originally Posted by warrrreagl
This e-mail is by no means unique. Every campus in the US goes through similar procedures every year.
That's not strictly true. I've worked in the administration of two schools (yes, both were federal aid recipients) and saw no such information or plans at either - and I worked in a department that would HAVE to know the policies and procedures. I think the reality is that a lot of schools are woefully unprepared for emergencies. This was something that made me quite anxious until I left.
I'm not saying that the schools shouldn't have these plans ready for execution or that they aren't required by law - just that some don't.
EDIT: Also, I'm rereading that email. I wish that we had things like that at the schools where I worked. However, from the email, it appears that the lockdown alarm at your institution would have been new. I'm sure you have information that is more accurate, having actually worked there.