You know, I live in Iceland. I don't watch TV, and even if I did, I wouldn't know what they were saying about this... American news doesn't usually make it to prime-time or the front page, simply because they have their own tragedies here.
But I picked up the paper this morning and VT had made the front page. This is a big deal, even in a country where few people give a shit about what happens in America. These lives were NOT more important than what is happening in Iraq or anywhere else in the world. But the way in which these people died, not as soldiers but as students and professors sitting in a classroom, is what makes this kind of story into front page news. It is human interest. If this happened in ANY country, with any kind of media, it would be on the front page, no matter how many other people faced natural mortality or were shot in Iraq that day. Those are, for good or bad, "acceptable" ways for people to die.
This VT shooting was NOT a normal way or time for a group of people to die. Why is it so difficult for some of you to just have some friggin' empathy for the situation?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran