Liquids are the biggest source of "empty" calories you can consume. Water is your friend, drink lots. With each meal, drink water.
To give insight:
Bud Light: 110 Calories
Coors Light: 102 Calories
Sam Adams: ~150 (depending on type)
Orange Juice: ~120 Calories
Soda: ~150 Calories
These are estimates per usual serving size (12oz soda/beer, 8oz juice)
Now, running 6mph for 60 minutes at 150lb body frame will burn ~684 Calories. That is 114 Calories/mile assuming constant pace.
So, essentially, you have to run >1 mile for each drink you consume to burn off those Calories. They can easily add up during the day as well (OJ at breakfast, can of soda during work/school, beer/wine at dinner adds up to about around 450 Calories just in the drinks! You substitute water in there, leave all else equal, and you'll lose <1lb/week off your current pace!
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.