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Old 05-30-2003, 09:39 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Canada
Well let's put it this way, Sony has sold about 45million consoles, xbox and gamecube (believe it or not) are approximately equal in console sales (at about 5-10 million)
(my numbers may be off) but anyways, mocrosoft and nintendo have the same console sales in north america....

you all are just condidering the north american factor when what you need to consider is the world-wide factor. microsoft has sold less than 1 million consoles in japan, while nintendo is almost as strong as ps2 in japan.

nintendo will be able to stick around almost singularly because of their ability to make money on not only software, but on the actual console hardwear also. microsoft eats about $100 on each console sale and they expected that people were going to assist them in buying softwear....without softwear microsoft will fall faster than a fat man after a twinky in the sewer (i'm tired....)

however, if the endless pockets of mr. antichrist realize that they are going to have to leave their current arrangement of buying as many 3rd party softwear companies as they possibily can, and they start to actually research into some decent games and prifitable hardwear, then look out, microsoft won't be going anywhere for a long time...if they don't realize this soon, then microsoft will be the first/only one to go.

nintendo will never go anywhere because of their ability to make money in hard times....i mean come on....nintendo has been around for over 100 years (they started with trading cards in the 1800's)

sony has enough selling power that it won't be going anywhere in the near future....unless they make a similar mistake that sega made and keep trying to "add on" to their systems, they will be here for a long time.

wow....i don't think this is making any sence at all...
froggyo is offline  

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