Originally Posted by abaya
Explain Iceland... the country where even the police don't carry guns. As a result, gun violence is not a problem here, period. The only people who own guns are goose-hunters, and there are very few of those.
Want to come and try to arm everyone here? It won't work. It's about the culture.
And Switzerland has fully automatic assult rifles in 14% of homes, with a murder rate average of 1.2 per 100,000 over the years of 1999-2001 (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns_and_crime). What works in Iceland, works in Iceland and may not work anywhere else, the same goes for Switzerland. What works in one country is not the end all solution for every country.
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
That said, no one anywhere ever predicted this kind of thing. One of my coworkers who lives in the suburbs is licensed to carry a gun (long story). He and I talked about this today, and he pointed out that security in our building is a joke. They're there to deter theives, not mass murderers. He's not about to start carrying his gun to work because "something may happen". If there's a reasonable threat he will, but he thinks that it's too much of a pain to carry it, despite his right to do so.
And when I was in a university in a major metropolitan area, I never went to class thinking someone would walk in and unload a clip into the classroom. In this country, that's not a realistic expectation for what will happen in a day's events. What I'm saying is if people were allowed to have guns on them, someone just "might" have one, and that could have made a huge difference in the number of dead.