to get back to everyone, we are planning on driving so it doesn't necessarily have to be downtown that we're staying, which is why i mentioned the bit about the train system, if i have to stay at one of the airports and train it into the city every day i wouldn't really mind if it's cheaper. Because like i said, i know hotels in the city are expensive and the ones under a hundred bucks are probably disgusting. We're not exactly bourgeoisie, i stayed at a howard johnson in toronto and was impressed so...
as far as meeting up, i wouldn't object to that so long as you all don't mind hanging out with some dorky early 20somethings.
I appreciate all the help already guys. I just know zilch about the city as i've never been there or to any real major city with good public transportation. I was looking at hotels at ORD and they seem to have a decent price tag but I dont' know how well that would work as far as getting into the city, that's the sort of stuff that i'm lost on.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams