OK, Firstly I know that NOTHING is ever this simple when being utulized by the government. But, it's nice to dream, so here goes.....
What do you think about taking the current income tax, chucking it out the window and installing a "national sales tax" in its place?
Some points to ponder as we discuss....
The implementation should not be any more difficult than most cities/county/states already have. (but I'm a realist, so see my disclaimer in the first sentence.)
It could be a flat tax, or there could be "variable". e.g., Groceries would have the lowest tax rate (or none at all), luxury yachts have the highest and so on. In *theory*, this would put the tax-paying burden in the proper perspective and do away with high-income loopholes. (Again, see my disclaimer...)
You would have more disposable income each paycheck, but partially/mostly offset by the "sales tax".
And any others you guys/gals come up with....
As a small business owner, I would be happy to do away with the income tax that makes it eh, interesting every year this time. I would be happy to swap one more piece of paperwork each month for a trip to the accountant once a year. And again, in *theory*, I could see how this (in it's simplest form) level the playing field for everyone. (Though I s'pose that the government feels that it's already done that with the current tax laws.
) I also believe (foolish as I am) that it *should* do away with a serious amount of government waste in the form of wasted paper, man-hours, office supplies, etc, that the current system already uses.
I guess it's obvious that I'm in favor of such a radical change, but would enjoy a good discussion about it, good or bad.
Please, discuss....