Wow, there's so much in this original post, and yet I have many questions. I'll break it down.
1. Your GF wanted sex, you didn't, and you guys did anyway. Did you say no? Did she listen? Did she make you?
2. Your GF has herpes simplex with an outbreak coming on, so she didn't want to kiss. I'm not really sure how this statement was connected, except that perhaps you were concerned about catching the virus from her, and that was a reason for not having sex?
3. She came quickly. Congratulations! Except you accused her of faking. Did you miss the gush of liquid somehow? Did you really need the proof?
4. You weren't in the mood, then your brain started working on you further, and you even further weren't in the mood. Sounds about right, unless you frequently have these thoughts with this woman. Do you still want a relationship with her?
5. You have doubts about your masculinity. Why? Because you couldn't finish this one time? If so, really, that's no issue. Because there's more you aren't telling us? Please explain further.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.