Originally Posted by willravel
Just curious: did Pulp Fiction bore you?
nope, Pulp is one of my favorite movies. The dialogue was genius. Every single sentence each character said was meticulously scripted to be 100% perfect and right at the time they said it, and they made complete sense in every thought process they said outloud. Many lines were laugh out loud funny, and I didn't want the movie to end.
Death Proof just had long, boring, drawn-out conversations that were meant to mimick "everyday convo" but ended up just being boring. It reminds me of highschoolers filming themselves in their own cool "home video" that seems cool at the time, but would be the most boring video ever made if they showed it to others. The dialogue had a couple of nice parts to it, but overall, it just couldn't keep me enjoying the movie. I was able to keep attentive, just because I'm at the movies (what else are you going to do), but it was mentally draining - by the end of the movie I felt like my mind had a workout, just to keep paying attention to the boring dialogue. It was like a hugely long joke that your grandpa tells and then fucks up the ending.