My son is never healthy... Rant
Well, he is healthy now and then, just never for long. It seems that he gets sick just from passing 10m from someone else who is sick. I understand that this is relatively normal for a going on 2 year old, however my wife does not... Now I'm working again and our son is in daycare, so he's sick even more often than he used to be. I realize that it's because our current daycare provider allows children to come even if they are mildly ill, but finding a new daycare provider that will actually allow me to pick my son up late on the days when my wife is on call or backup for another resident at her hospital is really tough. Most daycares around Cleveland are completely inflexible on the pickup time, and I simply can't teleport from work to the daycare (I work till 6, daycares start charging $20+ per half hour past).
Currently, my son is fighting off an ear infection with the help of zithromax, and conjunctivitis with some eye drops I have to administer every 4 hours (ever try waking up a toddler, pinning their arms and legs down, and holding there eye open while trying not to miss with the horridly expensive eye drops, all while praying the neighbors don't call the cops for child abuse?)
great time for my wife to be out of town.
Oh, and did I mention I'm battling with a sinus infection?
"There's someone out there for everyone - even if you need
a pickaxe, a compass, and night goggles to find them."