BOR, thanks for sharing. That is a very interesting article.
Originally Posted by KellyC
I can't wait for the day when it's ok to say whatever racial slur, sexist, homophobic, anti-religious, anti-political, anti-whatever remark and people would not give a damn about it. Wouldn't that be nice?
That would be nice, but I'm not sure that the problem is so much that the language is being used. I think that the problem stems from the fact that people are 1) too PC and uptight and 2) terrified of saying and discussing anything because it could make them look racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
I really enjoyed reading that article and seeing that some youth in this country are looking at tough issues and addressing them. I hate that they see a negative consequence linked to it. Since I haven't read the article, I can't comment much. However, it seems that they were discussing race relations and linguistics. There shouldn't be a punishment for that because it doesn't seem that it was done in a hateful way, but more as an eye-opener.
So for me, I can't wait for the day that one can make comments and call people on living up to stereotypes they claim to hate, crying victim when it's obvious they are choosing to be in that position, and setting double standards. Words are words, you have to dig deeper into the issue to find the real problem.