Originally Posted by Xazy
There was an interesting article I stumbled upon.
While I do believe that racism exists, I think this article sums up a lot of my viewpoint about what type of battles they fight.
Xazy, I first heard gushing praise for Whitlock and his Imus "column", on my new fav radio station...... one of the 1200 stations of the CNP's Salem Comm. Network, home of SRN, Salem Radio News.....
Whitlock is a darling of the right, but why does that make him more relevant than Ms. Crawford, who refers to Whitlock, in the bottom quote box that follows, as "Uncle Tom"?
IMO, Whitlock's "column" is pure spin....intended to take the blame off of the man who insulted members of a college sports team...... with racial slurs, and intended to take the focus off the real, larger problem....the still growing concentration of wealth, power, and opportunity into the hands of American WASP males!
Updated:2007-04-13 16:07:16
Time for Jackson, Sharpton to Step Down
Pair See Potential for Profit, Attention in Imus Incident
Sports Commentary
I’m calling for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the president and vice president of Black America, to step down......
Friday, April 13, 2007
Whitlock = Uncle Tom?
My friend Dave and all the other Wisconsin conservative bloggers have found one defense for Imus. It's the only one they have and it was written by a black sports columnist in Kansas City MO <a href="http://www.kansascity.com/182/story/66339.html">Jason Whitlock</a>. Conservatives on radio and tv are echoing it and I'm getting sick of the false argument.
Somehow, Imus is no longer responsible for Imus's comments because the real bad guys are the rappers. Imus is quickly becoming a victim of rapper culture.
Totally unfair Dave...
Everyone's missing the real point here. This has become the perfect excuse. Instead of finding a way to use this dialogue to build up respect and self worth in the black community, the dialogue is turning to a way to trash it some more.
Listen. NO one's talking about the effects of negative language and sexual content in rock and roll or the drug culture in grunge or the break up of the American poor white alcoholic families so glorified in country music and how women are denigrated in all of the above. This is ALL about finding another way to pigeon hole the black community as one homogenous group that is destroying from within. No one in white America has any sense of responsibility for any of the ills of the African American experience anymore. White America seems to have washed it's hands of black America and is happier for it.
Lack of decent educational systems, employment opportunities, healthcare, the prison industrial complex, (I could go on... ); suddenly none of these are the matter with black America. It's those two hypocritical guys Sharpton and Jackson, the right's favorite whipping boys, who are distracting us from the real issue, rap music.
The idiocy of this argument is beyond my comprehension. And that's my take...
(I can't believe I've let myself get "sucked in" to this thread, but as Mixedmedia stated so well, the larger issue that this thread is symptomatic of,
is the trend of "the haves" to "look away"....(even denying that it is an unsolved and increasingly ignored crisis.....) from race/gender based socio-economic disparity and injustice in this country.....and that is worth posting in protest of....insistently and frequently.
"The Haves" want to focus on their own agenda, a "Fair Tax" that will shift the last 2-1/2 percent of total US assets from the bottom 50 percent...to....WASP males.)