yeah....I read this book years and years ago (prob around 1988). I dont remember much about it other than it was supposedly wriiten by a man who was given the "information" by "celestial" beings in his sleep, and that supposedly "aliens" came to earth to help popluate and thus we ended up with groups of people known by colors, red people, purple people, yellow people etc
multi-colored human races originated suddenly in one generation and in one family, producing brothers and sisters that variously turned blue, yellow, red, green, orange, and indigo when exposed to sunlight. Their offspring subsequently favored the parent color. Later, Adam and Eve produced a violet race. The superior races were violet, blue, yellow, and red, and the other three were inferior. The green and orange races were driven to extinction, and the rest mixed over time.
this was the subject of more than one converstation at my grandparents table as my grandfather carried this book around for years and swore it had to be the truth.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!