Thread: Imus...
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Old 04-14-2007, 04:37 PM   #146 (permalink)
mixedmedia, I don't know of any conservatives who would write in the vein of the opinions posted by smooth and myself.....the idea that there is a need and a responsibility to redistribute the power and it's associated influence, privilege, access and networking, and the wealth that it keeps on bringing to the entrenched powerful....away from them, and to capable but "unconnected" have nots.....including everyone who is not a WASP male, according to a combination of need and legitimacy and scope of past injustices and "takings" by the largely WASP male establishment...

"Poilitics" seems to me to be about the "business" of the preservation of wealth and power, vs. the redistribution of both, by any means necessary. Conservatives tend to be against redistribution, and everyone else seems generally disposed to some degree of redistribution.

I referred to myself as an "old liberal". I think that anyone who is against affirmative action, and does not see a need to replace it with some at least equally activist methods of redistributing entrenched wealth and power AWAY from the largely WASP male establishment, is supporting the continuation of that establishment, and that means supporting continued inertia of even more wealth and power accumulation by that group. Most especially since the Supreme Court, and Federal Appeals Courts have been stacked with conservatives who no longer see the courts or the constitution as institutions with a bent to protect the least of us from the concentrated wealth and, unlike in the time of Justices Thurgood Marshall and William O. Douglas, the current judges view the "least of us" as the aggressors against a minority of rich powerful, WASP males.....

So.....if you accept the idea that it is "high time" for everyone to "make it" on their own, because injustices happened a "long time ago", you are, IMO, a conservative when it comes to the core political struggle in the US, and in the world.....

I am confused about your other comment:
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
.....I'm not ready to stop talking about this issue, but I think I'm going to dwell on it and start a new thread. I can't seem to shake the disturbing sense that the chronic loss of attention span in this country has caused its people - young, old, liberal, conservative, rich, poor - to conveniently minimize its role in its own history......
Were you saying that "chronic loss of attention span" is the core problem, or the plight of women and minorities whe it comes to equal ooportunity, or....
something else?

Last edited by host; 04-14-2007 at 04:44 PM..
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