Originally Posted by Terminal Frost
I think I found a new best friend.
I was so annoyed during Death Proof that I really felt like getting up and walking out of the theater. Tarantino's dialogue in Death Proof sucked. It was horrible. If there is one thing that I do not find entertaining, it is a bunch of unattractive women sitting around talking aimlessly and SCREAMING, SCREAMING all the fucking time at each other and at Kurt Russell. The stunt man mike character sucked too. I hated the way Death Proof ended. For me, nothing short of having each one of those girls burned to death in a firery crash would have been satisfying.
I was laughing almost non-stop during Planet Terror. I thought this was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The interaction between all the characters created a completely sureal ambience. The little kid was fantastic as was every other character in the movie. After such a terrific movie and even more hilarious coming attractions I seriously wanted to kick Tarantino in the nuts for putting me through Death Proof.
Just so you know I do love Tarantino and I was expecting his movie to be the much better of the two. I don't think I've ever been so let down by a movie in my life. The most agervating thing for me is that so many people don't see a difference between the quality of the dialogue between Death Proof and Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill. Tarantino was also the weakest part of Planet Terror. I really think he lost whatever he had.
Are you kidding me? I loved the ending to Death Proof! To me it was only way to end that movie, a fiery car crash would have been boring but Spoiler:
having them beat him to death and then "The End" pops up was perfect. Remember Badass Stuntwomen > Psycho Stuntman. .
Originally Posted by Terminal Frost
I don't think I missed the whole point. Yeah, a few of the girls are mildly attractive. I know they would be considered beautiful if you saw them on the street, but in a grindhouse film I expect to see extremely attractive girls dressed in ridiculously slutty outfits. Planet Terror did this perfectly. My point about the girls in Tarantino's film was that they were way too understated (and some of them were just downright unattractive) for such a boring, boring movie. I think he missed the point when he was writing the script and casting the characters.
And who was unattractive in Tarantino's movie? Maybe they aren't all smoking hot super models, but unattractive? And really should they be? Taking into consideration this isn't supposed to be a Hollywood star filled movie, it's supposed to be a cheap thriller. Besides by having a real stunt women as one of the stars (who was damn hot) it saves money just like a real grindhouse movie.