Originally Posted by james t kirk
Well, having read all this, if I was the other guy, I'd probably be thinking that this was a pretty good deal. I could live with having an everything but sex arrangement with no committment with the understanding that that would be all that I would get.
That said, I might "try to slip it in" from time to time also, because who knows, she might change her tune at some point in time and it never hurts to try.
See, that's what I thought. If you follow the rules, you'll get some with no mess, no fuss. Simple, right? Really, this is not supposed to get complicated, it should be a friends thing when we are hanging out and a sexual thing when fooling around. No lines being crossed.
On another note, I don't understand 'trying to slip it in' because if he does again - poof - like magic the whole arrangement disappears. Why push your luck?
It appears this problem has fixed itself, at least until September, because he's out of town, and will be until fall (as will I). So, on to new conquests! lol.