Hey - Thanks for all the replies, guys,
Just to clarifty (sorry I didn't in the OP), 'no sex' means no acutal intercourse, but pretty much everything else.
In response to ratbastid - I realize that I may be in an existental lie my saying that I can seperate love from sex, but I hightly doubt it.
He's already tried to 'slip it in when I wasn't looking' so I'm aware of his desire for actual sex, but I reiterated the rules and I think he's okay with that. I hightly doubt the idea that he's in love with me - but I really have no basis for that doubt.
"It strikes me as akin to smoking a cigarette while snorting petrol fumes from a coffee cup. A buzz not for everyone and scarcely worth the risk of the worst-case-scenario. I get the feeling that you have some more browsing to do in the male sexuality section of the Human Library before you settle in for the long haul with your current volume"
I just gotta say that made me laugh a lot! Thanks, Sapien Rising!
I suppose the real reason there is a problem in my 'relationship' with him, is that I avoided the whole 'lets have a talk about where this is going' thing. I'm not in a relationship with him and therefore don't want to have relationship talks with him. I have a hard enough time having real conversations with the fiance. I explained the rules to him and told him not to get emotionally involved because I love the bf. But we have to have another talk, in order to either keep fooling around or to go back to being friends.
Thanks guys.
"You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec
Last edited by cierah; 04-14-2007 at 07:31 AM..