Originally Posted by shakran
But the best speakers in the world will sound better than a cheap little piece of crap, even if they're only outputting static 
I suppose if you enjoy listening to static ...
Originally Posted by shakran
And many computers have gotten around the miniplug problem. Mine outputs optical as well. But even on miniplug you can get some pretty decent quality sound - heck I know a lot of radio stations that record all their sound onto sony minidisc players - - -so now you have ungrounded miniplug hooked up to a format that compresses the crap out of the audio, and it's still broadcast quality.
That's not saying much. Have you listened to "broadcast quality" lately? It's more than just compression, it's the introduction of artifacts and other noise that gets me.
My reference to the mini-jack was just an indication that even good speakers can sound like crap if you have a crappy signal. The entire chain really needs to be examined ... not just the speakers. And what will be listened to on this system? Is it DVD? CD? MP3? All of the above?
I'm not an audio snob, but at the same time I wouldn't spend scads of money on a system for iTunes. I do have a system set up for iTunes connected to my house stereo. But this topic has been done to death I suppose and is a little off-topic for this thread.