Originally Posted by CyCo PL
I WANT the PS3 to succeed, I really do. But, it's bringing back memories of the Sega Saturn. I don't know if anybody remembers, but the Saturn was more powerful than the PSX, as it had 2 CPU's and 6 other processors... but it was difficult for third party developers to take full advantage of the full potential of the Saturn, thus resulting in awesome first-party titles and lackluster third-party titles. A lot of the feedback I've read from game developers about the PS3 closely resembles the same problems they had with the Saturn... and you know how that turned out. The Saturn was also more expensive than the PSX because it had beefier components.
I agree with your entire post and it's making me sad because I love the Playstation brand so much. One thing is, I thought Sony was going to be coming out with some sort of software dev kit that it will give out to any company developing games for the PS3 to try and curb the difficulty of development. I am not sure about this though. I will be buying an xbox360 elite when they come out at the end of the month because there are games that I actually want to play on it. I still hold out hope though, the PS3 is having a better first year than the xbox360 did when it came out so hopefully the wheels will start moving as games like Lair and White Knight Story and FFXIII and MGS4 start coming out. At least thats what I hope will happen.
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