Originally Posted by Me
Maybe it would be better if you approached only one parent with the truth. I know in my family my father would react far worse than my mother, and sometimes if I approach her with an issue she will block the issue from getting to him. I don't know how your family is but maybe thats an option.
Other than that, if you do decide to tell them the bad news, try to bring something positive to the table. like, I know I fucked up ,but see I have straight A's now, or something that would take a little bit of the sting out of the whole thing.
I dont think you're going to find any solutions to this problem short of some mass scheme to keep your father from finding out.
Those were the best I could come up with..
And yes you're right, nobody ever wants to accept the cold hard truth initially. If his parents aren't the type to take drastic measures (take him out of school), then hopefully they'll understand that he's trying to make right evne though he made a bad decision in hiding it from them, but I mean if it did mean getting kicked out I would probably try to hide it too. I mean nothing good could come from them finding out in that case, it just turns out that the situation has escalated and the calculated risk turned against him.
as they say, "this too shall pass" (........ now would be good..)