I'm not impressed with her frankly.
My take on Belinda is that she's a spoiled child basically. She wants it all. She wants it now. She doesn't want to work hard to achieve anything and it's the All about Belinda show.
I thought when she got into politics that her motivation was to achieve something on her own rather than whatever Daddy handed to her. I thought that maybe she felt she had something to prove. She was CEO of Magna before getting into politics, however, let's be honest, if her father wasn't the founder and majority share holder of Magna, she would have been at best a secretary at Magna. (Canadian companies are steeped in nepotism - e.g. Bombardier, Lowblaws, Magna, you name it.)
When she decided to run for the Conservative leadership I remember thinking that she was a nice piece of ass, but she had no right to be on that podium. She had never "paid her dues", nor was she even remotely qualified (a first year York University Drop Out). The old man was always a card carrying liberal (hell, socialist even), and I couldn't understand how she would end up running as a conservative.
The fact of the matter was that she figured that it was an easy way to get in at the top without having to work for it.
When Harper beat her out she figured that she would switch to the liberals (which politically is where she belonged anyway.) She basically leveraged her way into a cabinet position under a desperate Martin. Martin figured that her one vote would be enough to keep him in power and he was willing to pay the price to have her ass on his side of the house. Presto, the blonde with the nice ass and NO experience and NO qualifications is Minister of Whatever.
(As an aside, it's ironic that Martin by buying Stronach off with a cabinet position sewed the seeds of his own defeat. If she hadn't crossed the floor, Martin's gov't would have surely gone down 8 months before it did. It's arguable that at that time, the damage from Gomery was not out in the open and Martin stood a better chance at winning than he did 8 months later when he was getting hit full throttle with Gomery.)
Never the less, the liberals went down hard. Belinda was never even a contender for the liberal leadership race because frankly, she didn't have a prayer, nor did she deserve to even be there.
So, she looked at it purely objectively. The fantasy of becoming Prime Minister was gone for at least 10 years, if not forever. Belinda, always having things handed to her in life, never having to work for anything, always being in a hurry, simply said "fuck it" I can't be bothered.
So she quit.
It's all about Belinda, always has been, always will be. Since she didn't get what she wanted when she wanted, how she wanted, she took her ball and went home (to Daddy and Magna).
As Stephen Harper once said of Belinda's defection to the liberals, "I didn't see any evidence of principle, just ambition" I think he hit the nail right on the head.
Belinda wanted to be PM, however, she learned that she was waaaaayyy out of her depth (no education, no experience, no ability, no work ethic), so she quit.
Thing is, she may think that she's going to be welcomed back at Magna, but she faces an uphill battle. She's not that good at Magna, and the other Magna employees will no doubt be snickering at her behind her back. She's a quitter, and she's incompetant. That's a very bad combination.
Last edited by james t kirk; 04-12-2007 at 04:28 PM..