I posted a link to an extremely messy appartment in the links board, but stumbled upon this website [
Take this exerpt from what they found in the house of the reigning king, Langley Collyer
"Workers had to cut through the roof and lift out 136 tons of junk, floor by floor: the grand pianos, two organs, and a clavichord; human medical specimens preserved in a glass jars;
the chassis of a Model-T Ford; a library of thousands of medical and engineering books; an armory of weapons; gas chandeliers; the folding top of a horse drawn carriage; a rusted bicycle; three dressmaking dummies; a saw horse; a doll carriage; a rusted bed spring; a kerosene stove; a checkerboard; a child's chair; countless old newspapers; pinup girl photos; 6 U.S. flags and one Union Jack;
a primitive X-Ray machine; and 34 bank deposit books with the balance totaling $3,007.18.
it reminded me of a newspaper article I read in the Roanoke Times about a year ago.
In rural virginia there was a man named Dan who lived with his son and wife in a moble home. Apparently Dan and his son both had varying levels of Mental Retardation, and were cared for by Dan's wife. Nobody visited Dan's family, and the only time anyone in town ever saw Dan was when he made his daily mile walk to the local store to buy his King Cobra 40. He apparently never showered so the locals started calling him 'dirty dan'.
Well after some time the neighbors noticed a really horrible smell comming from their place so they called to cops. Once they got there, they discovered that Dans wife had died on the urine/feces soaked matress lying on the floor of the mobile home, and dogs had started to eat her rotting corpse. Dan was sitting on the front stoop drinking his 40 and his son was naked cooking eggs in a pan, a few feet away from his mothers corpse.
I dont mean to make light of depression, but goddamn.
Anyone else hear any squalor stories, or maybe your living in your own putrid filth and would care to share details?
I only ask because I care