Originally Posted by mixedmedia
White people in America have never had to live in a world where they were treated as second-class. Black people have. My parents remember it. Al Sharpton remembers it. It was not so long ago. That's a key difference. Is it really that hard to understand?
So you're saying revenge is better than just coming to a peaceful conclusion to the racial anger in the country? You can play that game if you want to, but that just means that our society will NEVER stop looking at race as a factor in judging people.
The preeminent hero of the anti-racism movement, King Jr., said he envisioned a world in which people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. I don't remember him ever having a dream about calling a white guy a honky. I think it's time we try to bring society more in line with Dr. King's dream, but in order to do that ALL of the races are going to have to stop being assholes to each other.
The sensitivity is there because of our very real and painful recent past. It's just not funny for a white person to denigrate a black person because our common consciousness remembers what it was like when racism was common and acceptable. Just get over yourselves with your "reverse racism" bullshit. It IS NOT reverse racism.
You're right. Reverse racism is a bullshit term. It's racism, no matter what color the racist is.