Originally Posted by relenawolf
I haven't trimmed the stem of mine at all because it's not a bother to me, but I know some of the women at the the menstrual_cups community on LJ have completely removed their stems with no negative side-effects. I guess it all depends on how easily you can get a grip on the bottom of the cup.
One of the women strongly suggests a bevel edge. I don't trust myself with an exacto knife enough to try, but she swears that it's much more comfortable. glapaloopscap's illustration:
I've also found that the 'figure 4' method of insertion, where it's sort of punched down into a '4' shape is much more effective and comfortable for me when inserting. The memories section is a pretty good place to start accessing specific information.
Oo Thanks for the link to that lj community. I'm checking it out. I'm somewhat of an lj whore so this is perfect for me.