Originally Posted by ubertuber
If I'm understanding shakran correctly now, he's not implying that anyone should be regulating speech, but that in a country theoretically founded on the principles of free expression it is ironic for citizens (Sharpton, et al) to be clamoring to shut people up.
I agree with that... If I've got it right.
you do, sir.
I'll go further than that. If we ARE going to decide to shut people up for making racially unpleasant comments (nappy headed ho's being only the latest example) then I would expect that in addition to Don Imus and Michael Richards, that we also move most urgently to silence Jesse Jackson (Hymietown), Chris Rock (who is not only apparently pursuing a new world record for most frequent use of the word "nigger," but who's "comedy" is liberally laced with racial slurs against white people - a line from one of his more popular act reads "''Motherfucker, cracker-ass, motherfucker
cracker! Shit, cracker, motherfucker", and who has written a song called "Snowflake, White Bitches"), and anyone else, of *any* race, who says racially offensive things.
Racist attitudes and speech are wrong, no matter who is saying them. It's wrong for Imus. It's wrong for Richards. It's wrong for Limbaugh. It's also wrong for Rock and Jackson.
It's high time this country realize that racism is not limited to one race, and that racist attitudes will never be cured until everyone, of *all* races, stops worrying about what color everyone is.
It should not take MSNBC and CBS suspending someone's radio show to get this message across. The message should come across because people should stop patronizing performers, of any race, who profess their racist attitudes. Imus's suspension should be meaningless because people, if they are truly against racist attitudes and statements, should no longer be listening to him anyway.
But all that being said, everyone, Even Chris Rock and Don Imus, has the right to hold and express racist opinions. Citizens of a country that professes to encourage free speech should not seek revenge upon or punishment of those who express these opinions. If you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it. It's as easy as that.