Thread: Grindhouse
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:19 AM   #30 (permalink)
Terminal Frost
Location: Manhattan Island
Originally Posted by YaWhateva
I haven't seen the movies yet, but isn't Rosario Dawson in Death Proof? If she is and you said she is part of the "bunch of unattractive women" then your opinion is completely invalid to me. Also, from the commercials, it looked like the girls were at least fairly attractive, not like that makes any difference to the quality of the movie. So, maybe you missed the whole point.
I don't think I missed the whole point. Yeah, a few of the girls are mildly attractive. I know they would be considered beautiful if you saw them on the street, but in a grindhouse film I expect to see extremely attractive girls dressed in ridiculously slutty outfits. Planet Terror did this perfectly. My point about the girls in Tarantino's film was that they were way too understated (and some of them were just downright unattractive) for such a boring, boring movie. I think he missed the point when he was writing the script and casting the characters.
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