Thread: Imus...
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Old 04-11-2007, 09:30 AM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ubertuber
No one here says that "he can't say that." What we saying is that CBS doesn't have to let him say it with their voice. How's that for "idiotic"?
And I didn't say anyone here said that. You guys really do need to read more carefully if you're gonna try to nail me for stuff. I was referring to the protesters who were running around demanding that he be fired. As far as I know, none of you guys were in that mob.

Even though I've already said it, it has been one whole day since the post, so for the record lest anyone get confused, Imus is an idiot, and what he said was reprehensible. That said, let the listeners vote with their wallets. If people don't like what he has to say, they won't listen to him anymore. That simple. If they keep listening, then maybe we should open up a dialog as to why the public seems to think calling people nappyheadded ho's should be rewarded by paying attention to the person that says it.

As it is, all this running around enjoying the holy hell out of getting very angry at someone for saying something *offensive!* is doing nothing more than raising interest to a fever pitch in a show that is filled with idiotic insults and derogatory comments. If you really want to shut Imus up, ignore him. Otherwise, just like Howard Stern, he'll never go away.
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