Thread: Imus...
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Old 04-10-2007, 12:46 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by pan6467
1) I'd like to see where I said you or Ace called me anything.

2) you obviously aren't reading my posts.

I was called a devil worshiper and have been harassed and discriminated against by this woman.

I went to my bosses (who are also hers) and was told basically I'm a white male, she's a black 70 yr old female..... we aren't doing anything.

The argument I use with my bosses is this.... if she invited me someplace because I raised a stink and she gave me an invitation to be nice.... and later on I told someone I wasn't going because she was black and then I discriminated and harrassed her the way she does me.... I'd be gone, I'd be sued and I would be thrown entirely out of my profession....

so what is the difference between what she said and her actions toward me and my hypothetical.

And in this Jazz,

you lose any respect I had for you.

Basically we were talking about an issue in this thread I was able to add from my personal experience and instead of using it for the subject... you chose to dismiss it and blow it off when it is germain to the subject at hand. I am not asking you or anyone what I should do.... I am explaining how in a situation I am in, I am experiencing reverse discrimination, and I am simply saying those who state Imus is wrong need to show that in this situation.

Instead you turn the situation back on me... and act like it has nothing to do with the subject. You sir, have let your little Mod title go to your head.

BTW before I get into trouble.... I brought up Jazz's Mod status for a reason... it has nothing to do with anything in this talk.... just like my being white and male and under 50 has nothing to do with my being called a devil worshiper.

Yet, the powers at my place of employment bring it up and show a discrimination that my rights, feelings and what I believe are less important than those of someone else.

Labels.... either you denounce ALL labels and point out wrongs as they happen or you point out nothing. That's my point.
I see we're still not going to talk about the real issue here, but fine, I'll play along.

First, you went back and edited the portion of your post where you implied that Ace and I were calling you names. I'm sure I can get an admin to dig it up if needed, but I think I'm being petty enough by just pointing it out.

I read all of your posts. I even went back and reread them after you edited them. And it wasn't until #47 that the truth came out. Your immediate bosses don't want to get caught up in a petty squabble. Their bosses don't either. The woman in question, in my opinion, was most likely offended when you handed out invitations at work and she didn't get one, then when she did, it was with a backhanded apology and statement that made it seem like you didn't want her there. You fueled the fire when you told her that it's a pagan wedding. In the minds of the two 70ish year-old black women that I just talked about about the subject, pagan = devil worshiper. Both of the women in my office are closeminded on the subject, and I expect the woman in yours is too. So she doesn't like you now because you were rude and worship some god that goes against everything she's ever been taught.

And since she doesn't like you, she's not going to do you favors. When you complain, no boss wants to get involved in that kind of disagreement. She's not harrassing you or discriminating against you - she just doesn't like you, so she's being difficult. And you know what, I still don't care. She's your problem - not mine. You deal with her.

What I'm really confused about is why you brought up my job. Even with your cryptic explanation, I don't get it. Before I had this job, I wouldn't have cared about someone who doesn't like you. I think I'm being consistent in my lack of caring here, and I'll even go so far as to state that I really don't care what anyone outside of TFP cares about any one member. I'm not singling you out - I simply just don't care how popular any one member is with their coworkers. But maybe you want to feel special; fine, I like you Pan. Sometimes you come off as a ranting lunatic, especially when we're talking about immigration or race, but I generally find you amusing enough to read most of what you post, which is the highest praise I'm capable of giving right now.

And you're being called a devil worshipper because someone thinks you're a devil worshipper. That should be your motivation to go talk to her and smooth out the rough patch as well as educate her on what you really believe. Me? I just think you're some

I still don't see any discrimination against you beyond someone not wanting to be in the same room with you, but that seems to be based more on your personality and beliefs than the color of your skin. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you tried to take this to court with only the evidence presented here, you'd probably find it impossible to get even the most desperate ambulance chaser to take it.

Finally, respect. The 1000 gorrilla in the room. On a personal level, I don't care if you respect me, just like I don't care if someone doesn't like you. You need to work out for yourself what is and isn't worthy of your respect, and I'm certainly not capable of influencing that one way or another. I don't expect you to care if any of my coworkers or clients like me or not, which is consistent with what I'm doing.

The flip side is that you need to respect the position, whether it's held by me or anyone else. In my job, I'll keep right on doing what I've always done. I suspect that you're man enough to respect that at least.
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Last edited by SecretMethod70; 04-10-2007 at 12:56 PM..
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