Thread: Imus...
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Old 04-10-2007, 11:52 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Location: Ellay
Pan, your commentary here is really hard to follow. First, it isn't clear that there is any racism going on here, reverse or otherwise. Just because this lady is black doesn't mean that this fact informs her every interaction with you. You're jumping straight from correlation to causation and flinging accusations all over the place. Secondly, it sounds like she's just an old lady (you said 70, right?) who is afraid of and scornful of things that are outside of her experience, such as paganism. Thirdly, you kind of invited her to be upset by passing out invitations to an event at work when not everyone was invited. Fourthly, I thought I saw something about you claiming to have been called something, but you've edited one of your posts - so who knows? It could have been one of the many other threads were you've felt attacked. Lastly, your bosses seem to be the ones who have injected racial connotations into this, but not by claiming that this woman has made slurs against you because of race. They are concerned about risk, and they know (correctly) that managing the risk from her claiming persecution is a bigger deal than you claiming that she's rude to you and made an ignorant comment about your spiritual beliefs. Pretty much the only thing you can do is respond to your management in writing and say that her comment amounts to a slur, which their tolerance towards promotes a hostile work environment. You can't really do much but put them on notice.

But the whole situation is tied to racism in such a convoluted and tenuous way (and then back to Imus in a twist that still eludes me) that I, too, sort of think it's not relevant. I can see that you're upset about the situation, but it doesn't really equate to incidents involving media stars, Al Sharpton, government regulation, and accusations of racist content. You're seeing hypocrites were none exist.

One last thing: I still don't get what the thing about The_Jazz letting his mod title go to his head was all about, but it bothered me. I think that accusation was completely off base. He's been more than fair since coming on staff, and he's been more respectful of you than you have been of him.

I really hate posting stuff like this in public - much prefer PMs - but this whole thing has been out in pubilc in a thread that has potential, so sorry.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam

Last edited by ubertuber; 04-10-2007 at 11:58 AM..
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