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Old 04-09-2007, 09:03 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Location: Bat Country
ya know I've tried to convey this observation to more p eople than I can count and its the same response every time, what are you talking about. But every now and again somebody has had a similar experience, and it clicks, and they're response is "holy fuck I know that guy!" .

It may just be a southern thing, and even then to try to explain what its like in the south to someone from another place is futile. N before you evne start, I was born and raised in the North and I now live in Virginia. For as awful a reputation the south has ( and to an extent quite well deserved), the North and all its honorable glory is far worse. Its in the details, n if you'd like to debate it I could write a book.

Also, I agree completely that theres a good god damn chance that I'm one of those people IM talking about, chances are each and every one of YOU are too. I dont deny it, I merely try to be aware of it and work on it. Its a product of American media, society, popular culture whatever.

If I wasnt clear before, let me try again (chances are I'll fail). Its a type of person (maybe its just all of us at varing degrees), who is good at being an average american (example being the guy picked in the middle of the dodge ball lineup), they're nice people, they say nice things, say hello in passing, hold the door for you, exellent at small talks, whatever. BUt theres something slightly different about this type of person. They picked up the social rules from everybody around them, but never developed anything more. They are ethical, moral people. But not because THEY believe that it is good, but because thats just what your supposed to do. Was it Descartes who described them as "Human Cattle" ? The MAJOR difference in what Im talking about is that, there are mindless people who are worthless. There are people who are normal, down to earth, trying to get by. The type of person Im talking about exists inbetween, and nobody really notices. Maybe thats not a bad thing, I try my hardest not to get my panties into a bunch over it but ask yourself, do you want this type of person finding their way into some position of power where they get to make decisions t hat directly effect your life. Like say... oh I dont know... a politician. If that guy is making his decision on health care based on the morals he learned from an episode of House, then wouldnt you agree perhaps that we're............... FUCKED. wait, let me try that again for you pretentious pricks. we're FUUUUUUUUUUCKED.

Now, what else.... well see this whole topic is walking a very thin line with that age old, "I'm a intellectual, pretentious, Kerry loving, Bush bashing, fuck who Hates all those "throw some Deez on that Bitch" mindless drones who spend their time scrolling Facebook. (I personally hate facebook, dont like it, suck my dick). But see I've tried my hardest to keep myself in the middle. I Hate the smart pretentious fucks, n I got no problems with the MTV generation (however you want to describe them). I also try to keep away from judgement, nomatter who or what they've done. Stomp kittens, commit murder, color outside the lines, you're human n nobodies keeping score no matter what you think. I do however believe that just being mindless and a product of the system is even worse than being a member of the Nazi party. At least make your OWN mind up to commit genocide.

I'm trying to describe something thats very subtle. I obviously cant describe this well enough or I wouldn't have gotten so many flamers. Which, brings me to another topic..... The glorious Flamer. I personally feel you fine gentlemen should be running this country. I also feel you should be set ablaze and thrown from a helecopter. So torn..
No matter which ends up happening, there's no dispute that a fine flamer is far greater than the cattle who hold all the chips these days.

So, recap
Peepz are mindless, but they seem normal.
South is better than North even though everything points to the contrary
Flamers, great individuals, who also should suck my dick
I thinks thats about it.

Oh, and well TF is probably the best source of human thought on the web bar none. Cheers
Le Berger, Le Mouton, Ce qui vous mangerait? Je ne sais pas. -let it all drop cause fuck it I guess we lost-
Originally Posted by tecoyah
...or I could just be drunk...cause I am.
<Danao>I am french so excuse my langage..
<Krost> ^^
<Krost> I'm American so excuse my president.

Last edited by Ballzor; 04-09-2007 at 09:09 PM..
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