Originally Posted by willravel
Had I received the same training as George W. Bush, I am very confident that I would have been a much, much better pilot than he could have ever been. It has nothing to do with this thread, but I am certain that I'm several degrees smarter than the President across the board.
But you haven't and probably never will so you or for that matter anyone else know if you "could of" been better.
Could I be a governor? If I had half the resources Bush needed to be elected in Texas, absolutely. I'm a family man, very liberal, and people like to listen to me talk. I'd probably be able to take California with millions of dollars (I mean if Arnold can do it, anyone can).
I saw what the "very liberal" did to California, hence the reason Arnold is in office.
If I were ever elected president, I'd have been elected more than George W. Bush. He lost in 2000 and 2004.
Still harping on '00 and '04 care to explain how he lost, especially in '04
I graduated with a 4.0 and paid my own way through college. Not only that, but I'm getting my Masters right now. I never got drunk or too drugs in college. I didn't need my father to pull strings to get me into school, either. Compare that to Bush, if you dare.
Very impressive, by the time you are Bush's age I am certian his life resume will still dwarf yours.
If you can prove Bush isn't stupid, go right ahead. Until then, saying 'this is getting old is rather meaningless.
Your are absoultly correct, it is quite meaningless, when dealing with the Einsteins of the world it isnt hard to prove others stupid. The smarties know how to vote while others just follow along.