It depends on how far you run. If you just run for like 10 minutes to warmup, then run first before you lift. You should be doing that anyway to loosen your muscles up before lifting.
You shouldn't run after lifting because after you lift is when your muscles need food in order to rebuild. A nice protein shake after you lift is ideal.
Ideally though, you should be doing your running/lifting exercises on separate days. Run for 30-45min one day, lift the next, repeat.
A key note: While cardiovascular exercise is key, your diet is EQUALLY important. If your metabolism is 2500 Calories, and you eat 3000 but burn 500 at the gym, you'll maintain status quo. If you eat 2000 Calories and burn 500 at the gym, you're working at a -1000 clip for the day. Considering a pound of fat is 3500 Calories, you'll lose that weight pretty quickly.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.