wow, way to go people, lets make the new person feel really welcome why dont we? I bet I could go into the car forum or the tech forum or the weapons forum and find many abbreviations I would have no idea what the fuck they meant.
as for the OP, relax and enjoy the sex, the more stressed you get each month that the stick doesnt indicate a positive result the harder its going to be on you. I was one of the lucky ones, when I was TTC I was one of those that got preggie the first time, but when we tried for a 2nd time it took 7 years for the doctors to figure out I'd stopped producing progesterone after my first child causing me to develop PCOS.
Dont make the sex a timed scheduled event, yes there are certain times of the month you NEED to do it but try to still keep it spontaneous. Talk to your GYN, who knows your medical history and get suggestions from them on what supplements an such to take. for example, Like Daniel said above, the folic acid....I myself have to be careful with that because of my hemochromatosis and really have to watch anything I ingest because of it (and could not take prenatal vitamins because of it too). Your Dr will be the best judge of what you need to do
good luck!!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!