abaya: actually i was going to write something about che but folk were coming for dinner and i didnt have time to make it work, so i didn't.
the image of che floats about in the backstory of liberation theology, but it's hard to say whether the relation is more about that image than about che guevara himself. problem is that i haven't really thought about him for a while and dont remember how his positions shifted in the period after he left cuba and was involved in central africa then latin america. i dont know where we was in relation to, say, classical leninist notions of the party near the end of his life. that sort of thing would matter. but the image of che, as martyr, sure.
this chris marker film is quite remarkable--grin without a cat--and has alot about che in it--i saw it over the summer and it kind of overloaded my brain with stuff, all kinds of stuff...
see it if you can track down a copy--it is really something.
i agree with your