Originally Posted by JinnKai
Woo woo, look at me.. I'm Jesus.. I'm so cool.. I'm so important that if I die, you all have to worship me. I'm so cool I can die and take away all your sins, including Adam and Eve's. Oh look, see that water? Wine? Wassup now, bitches?
He was definitely arrogant.
And a showoff.
Hey guys.. watch this trick.. I can come back to life after gettin speared in the gut.. wish you could do this huh..
Nobody has to worship Jesus, freewill still applies. Confessing your sins, is simply a way to alleviate Guilt & Shame. Unless you'd prefer to go into therapy and pay a psychiatrist $500 an hour. I fail to see how performing miracles, such as healing the sick, is showing off. I suppose all those silly peace lovers like Jesus, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi were just show offs....insert sarcasm as needed....