Originally Posted by loganmule
It seems to me that submitting to crucifixion could be viewed as political, although the conservative view would be that this was actually an act of atonement. Either way, there is no current party affiliation which incorporates all of the teachings of Jesus, much as the two current prevailing ones would like for you to believe that. And respectfully, JinnKai, Jesus was no more arrogant that a hot summer day is warmer than a winter storm. There was an ABSENCE of arrogance to his actions...I think you're confusing the term with the concept of fulfilled purpose.
Interesting notion, loganmule.
JinnKai, a self-professedly arrogant person, sees Jesus as arrogant. Conservatives see Jesus' actions as consistent with their beliefs. Liberals, I can say from personal experience, see themselves as christ-like in their devotion to social issues at the expense of their own comfort.
Perhaps in Jesus we have the ultimate Rorschach blot? Perhaps one's individual view of Jesus reveals more about the individual than about Jesus?