Originally Posted by Lizra
Oh! I know your pain. It used to seem my face had more oil than the persian gulf. Finally after 2 rounds of accutane and passing 50 I've dried out a little, but now I have rosacea! I don't think all those facial sauna machine steam treatments and millions of washings with scrubby pads and hot water helped!
Still, that dove soap breaks me out......it is for small pores and dry skin only.
Yeah....less wrinkles, but oily skin or no, you can't stop the sags! Menopause will probably make the rosacea worse....oh well...who cares, not me!
I've had rosacea all my life and menopause has actually made it better,but I still don't go out in public without cover-up on it. Interestingly enough, although I have extremely oily skin, if I don't use a decent moisturizer after washing, I feel like my skin is being pulled off, it's so dry and taut. My (former) dermatologist explained that all that scrubbing and such that we do to eradicate the acne also removes the natural protections our bodies make, which starts a vicious cycle of skin irritation, acne, overproduction of oil, scrubbing to get it off....and said the best moisturizer is our own oil, so now, when it starts pouring out, I rub it back in
Originally Posted by pnarel
Women judge themselves more harshly than men judge themselves, that's why there are no commercials like this targeted towards men.
Actually, watch sports shows and their commercials-plain looking guys slap on some aftershave or body spray and beautiful women are running toward them in heated passion. Five blades in your razor will guarantee they can't stop stroking your face. Wear Dockers and they're giving you their phone numbers....