I think that the fact that this man kills someone an then kills again should be what's discussed, though. Where he comes from should be inconsequential, shouldn't it? I mean if someone were to commit a murder, and he had multiple parking violations, or downloaded music from Kazaa....we wouldn't really think those facts were pertinent to the case. If a man is killed by a person who download music illegally, and the RIAA cries bloody murder, we'd all be on the RIAA like white on rice. This is the same thing. The man in this case happens to be an illegal immigrant, and those big loud assholes like O'Reilly are ready to twist this into something it's not. That's horribly disrespectful and shameful.
I think the focus should be on preventing the crime in the future.
Last edited by Willravel; 04-06-2007 at 08:55 PM..