Activities: 10-year olds and high school students
Okay, sometime in the next few days I'm going to be trying to coordinate an activity between a group of highschool teens and some 10-year old orphans. I haven't the faintest clue what kind of activity to involve them in.
I don't know what 10-year old girls are interested in, except maybe 13-year old boys.
But I have a background in computers. I'm thinking maybe I can take some spare parts and show them all how to build a computer and play around with drawing programs or photo editing or something "hands on". Anything to make it not a lecture.
Somehow, I'm not all that excited about the computer idea though. Originally I wanted to take the kids on a field trip to the Huntington Garden, a terrific public garden museum featuring very exotic plants in all varieties. I was going to arrange a "Scavenger hunt" to find plants with different qualities to win prizes. I figured it would be a good excercize for the high-school teens to lead small groups of younger children.
But those plans fell through because the orphanage doesn't want me to take the children off the grounds until we have a successful event on-site.
My ultimate goal is to get community service hours for these high-school kids, and to develop a working relationship with the orphanage for similiar events.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this more fun or exciting or "hands on" or maybe some alternate activity ideas? I'm really dissapointed about now being able to do the garden thing, and I'm afraid my computer idea may not involve the high schoolers too much or may not properly get everyone involved (since I won't be able to get enough spare parts on short notice to build more than 1 or 2 computers).