I'm sure they will appeal it and it will be overturned.
I agree with you that their should be easy means to remove judges, but there should also be easy means to remove senators, congressmen, supreme court justices, the Vice President and the President.
I would love it if congress would introduce an amendment which detailed recall election guidelines for the states.
Off the top of my head something like a petition containing some % of the registered voters signatures in the relevant voting area (district, state, nation, ect) must be filled out. Upon submission of the signatures 30 days must pass in which people can file grievances with the signatures (look for fraud ect). Upon the completion of that interval an election must be set within say 60 days. Once the election occurs 60% of the voters must vote for their removal for them to be removed.
I think a system like this would keep elected and appointed officials in check with the public.