Originally Posted by CptAJ
Of course, some people do frown upon them but general society does not, which is exemplified by the fact that they're legal. As such, and following the coherence and analogy principles of the law, sexual relations with animals shouldn't be outlawed considering it subjects the animal to less torture than other activities. But well, the system is not perfect. Alcohol has also been scientifically proven to be more harmful than cannabis and we all know the legalities of that.
CptAJ - maybe Venezualan society doesn't frown on animal fights, but American society does. To the best of my knowledge, all 50 states ban the practice. There are illegal fights here and there, but I don't think that "general" American society finds it acceptable at all. I think that the distinction is important.
Bestiality, however, is not necessarily illegal everywhere in the US, but I believe that it is in the majority of states. The alcohol/cannabis comparison is a strawman since we're talking about third party injuries here, with the third party being an animal. A better analogy is the one already drawn with adults who can't consent because they aren't concious or lack the mental capcity to do so.