Originally Posted by ngdawg
There are many who think animal-based sports are abusive to the animal; rodeos have been shown to be, dog races are in some cases and cockfights are illegal. However, it is a horse's inclination to run(and, perhaps a greyhound's)-it is not its inclination to have sex with a human.
I find boxing and those 'ultimate' sports abhorant, pigraces and rodeos almost as much so due to their unnatural means. And, like those that find bestiality acceptable, people find those types of entertainment acceptable as well.
And who is to say the animal isn't psychologically harmed? Inability to say 'I'm fucked up now', doesn't mean they aren't.
Of course, some people do frown upon them but general society does not, which is exemplified by the fact that they're legal. As such, and following the coherence and analogy principles of the law, sexual relations with animals shouldn't be outlawed considering it subjects the animal to less torture than other activities. But well, the system is not perfect. Alcohol has also been scientifically proven to be more harmful than cannabis and we all know the legalities of that.
By the way, its not the horse's inclination to carry a midget around at high speeds. The fact that you have to beat them into submission should be enough to clarify that.
Furthermore, it has been scientifically proven that some animals simply are not self aware at a cognitive level analogous to our own. Be that as it may, and given the
unlikely chance that they could indeed be "fucked up" by the experience, there's still no rational argument or research that indicates either way. The legislation is still arbitrary and unfounded, regardless of who's right here.
Wait a second, who ever said they didn't have vaginas? Fish have vaginas, mammals have vaginas. No matter how you slice it, there's gotta be a pussy somewhere in there.