Originally Posted by CptAJ
I guess I kinda am arguing for the sake of argument. I do think its an interesting discussion though. I'm well into law school right now and I used to be a psych major so you can probably see why such interest would arise. Its fascinating because I think there really aren't that many clear-cut reasons for it to be illegal.
For instance, you would use an animal for sports, in which it is put through grueling physical challenges and reiterated painful punishment for the sake of mere amusement of the masses... but you draw the line when it comes to genitals? Is sports entertainment more of a primordial need than sex? Fucking a horse would certainly be less of a torture than making the poor thing burst its heart out running in circles while being constantly whipped to go faster. Remember that they don't have the mental conditions to be psychologically damaged by sex like we are.
Its a completely arbitrary line to abide by, but people still make it out to be just and reasonable.
As for the robot thing, I'm going to leave that for another thread as we'd take this one way off topic with it.
There are many who think animal-based sports
are abusive to the animal; rodeos have been shown to be, dog races are in some cases and cockfights are illegal. However, it is a horse's inclination to run(and, perhaps a greyhound's)-it is not its inclination to have sex with a human.
I find boxing and those 'ultimate' sports abhorant, pigraces and rodeos almost as much so due to their unnatural means. And, like those that find bestiality acceptable, people find those types of entertainment acceptable as well.
And who is to say the animal isn't psychologically harmed? Inability to say 'I'm fucked up now', doesn't mean they aren't.