Road Trip: Suggestions?
This summer we are planning on taking a road trip. We're going to follow Rt 66 (as much as we can anyway) to New Mexico. Then we're heading south to Roswell because it's a place I've always wanted to visit for fun. Then we're heading north through Denver to Wyoming and back to Chicago following the Oregon Trail or I-90 as it is now.
We have a few stops planned, but mostly it's going to be exploring. I'm getting pretty excited because it was supposed to be our honeymoon trip 6 years ago. We figured we should stop the procastination since this might be the last summer of it just being the 2 of us.
My questions are:
1) Has anyone ever done this and do you have any tips?
2) We're going to get a tent and camp overnight along the way to save money and then stay in dives the rest of the time since we can't really make reservations in advance. Any tips or stories to share on this?
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company